The goal of the jena-nosql project is to have Apache Jena, one of the most popular RDF frameworks, bound with your favourite NoSQL database.
Among a lot of things that Jena can do, SPARQL definitely plays an important role so, in my project, I want to make sure the data model of the underlying pluggable storages is able to efficiently support all the query language features.
As a first step I need an integration test for running SPARQL verifiable examples. In order to do that I will set up two Jena Models, in the @Before method: a first coming from jena-nosql:
final StorageLayerFactory factory = StorageLayerFactory.getFactory();
final Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.create(factory.getDatasetGraph());
final Model jenaNoSqlModel = dataset.getDefaultModel();
and a second using the default in-memory Jena Model:
final Model inMemoryModel = DatasetFactory.createMem().getDefaultModel();
Now what I need is a set of verifiable scenarios, each of one consisting of
- one or more dataset to load
- a query
- the corresponding query results
Fortunately, some time ago I bought a cool book, "Learning SPARQL" which had a lot of downloadable examples. After re-having a quick look, I realized that was exactly what I need :)
Each example in the book is associated with three files:
- a file containing a short dataset
- a file containing a query
- a file containing results in a human readable way
So before running each scenario both models are loaded with the example dataset:, ...);, ...);
// Make sure data has been loaded and graphs are isomorphic
Once did that, it's time to execute the query associated with the example and then verify the results on both models:
final Query query = QueryFactory.create(readQueryFromFile(queryFile));
assertTrue( ResultSetCompare.isomorphic(
QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, jenaNoSqlModel).execSelect(),
QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, inMemoryModel).execSelect());
For simplicity here I'm wrongly using jena resources like QueryExecution (you should close that in a finally block) and I didn't write any exception handling code.
I'm still working on that, but if you want to have a quick look here's the code. As explained in previous posts you can run this test against one of the available storages (Solr or Cassandra):
mvn clean install -P cassandra-2x
mvn clean install -P solr-4x