Thursday, August 21, 2014

Integration tests with jena-nosql and Cassandra

In this post I will illustrate the integration tests infrastructure I used for the jena-nosql project on my GitHub account.

This article has been "copied" from the project Wiki, you can find the original content here.

The core of the project itself is not associated with a specific storage, so a set of integration tests that run towards a (mini)instance of a not-well-known target storage is required in order to make sure about the functional correctness of each binding.

Within the project you can see a (Maven) module dedicated to integration tests: the jena-nosql-integration-tests. It is configured with the Maven Failsafe plugin [1] to run tests, during the integration-test phase, against a running instance of the target storage.

And here comes the beauty, because the target storage is not predefined, but instead depends on what is the runtime binding module that has been choosen. So basically the same set of integration tests could be run against Cassandra, HBase, Accumulo or another storage.

How can we maintain the same set of tests and at the same time start a test instance of one storage or another? Maven profiles is the answer (at least for me): within the pom.xml of the jena-nosql-integration-tests, I defined one profile for each storage (at the time of writing there's just one profile ;) ).

So for example the cassandra-2x profile declares the usage of the Cassandra Maven Plugin [2] that
  • starts an embedded instance of Cassandra before all integration tests
  • stops that instance after the last integration test
So, at the end, if you want to run the integration test suite against Cassandra, just cd to jena-nosql project directory (where the top level pom.xml is located) and run Maven as follows:

   > mvn clean install -P cassandra-2x 
You don't need to set any permission or any configuration because the embedded instance will "live" within the target build folder.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Jena-nosql: A NoSQL adapter for Apache Jena

Few days ago I started this project on github.

The overall design rounds around the Abstract Factory design pattern [1].
As you can see from the following diagram, the StorageLayerFactory class plays the role of the AbstractFactory and therefore defines the contract that each concrete implementor (i.e. family) must provide in order to create concrete products for a specific kind of storage.  

On top of that, each binding module defines the "concrete" layer that is in charge to provide
  • an implementation of the StorageLayerFactory (i.e. the Concrete Factory);
  • a concrete implementation of each (abstract) product defined in the diagram below (i.e. the Concrete Products)
Here you can see the same diagram as above but with the "Cassandra" family members (note that only 4 members are shown in order to simplify the diagram)

Feel free to take a look and let me know your thoughts.